Retiree Benefits

NMSU Retiree Benefit Eligibility:

An employee will be considered eligible for certain university retirement benefits if the following criteria are met (The university reserves the right to unilaterally increase, decrease or discontinue all or any retiree benefits and/or charges associated with available benefits.):

    1. An employee has at least 10 continuous years of service, in the status of regular employee at .5 FTE or more, without a break in service during the 10 years prior to the date of retirement, and receives NM ERB benefits immediately upon termination of employment;
    2. An employee is eligible for retirement under NM ERB rules/regulations at the time of termination of employment at the university.
    3. An employee of the Cooperative Extension Service must be eligible for and receive federal retirement.

NOTICE: Retiree health insurance coverage will no longer be provided for employees hired on or after July 1, 2016.


Working After Retirement

Retirees considering re-employment should consult ARP 6.15 – Re-Employment of Retirees and ARP 8.12 – Retirement, Educational (ERB) Eligibility to return to work is determined by the NMERB, not NMSU. For inquiries, contact NMERB at or 866-691-2345. Both NMERB and Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP) retirees must complete and obtain approval for the NMERB Return to Work (RTW) Application before commencing work at NMSU. Submit the approved application to NMSU Human Resource Services prior to employment.

NMSU Quick Guide Hiring Retirees
Return to Work Information for NMERB Retirees
Return to Work Application (Electronic Application)
Application to withdraw from Return to Work Program

More info at the NMERB website


NMSU Retiree Tuition Remission

  • Retirees: Eligible for up to 18 credit hours of tuition-free courses per session.
  • Spouse/Domestic Partner: Eligible for one class per session if the retiree is not enrolled in the same session.
  • Exclusions: This benefit does not cover additional fees (e.g., ASNMSU fees, textbooks, software). Retirees are responsible for any general or additional fees.

To utilize this benefit retirees must complete and submit a Retiree Tuition Remission Form every session before the deadlines below. Failure to timely submit a waiver will result in full tuition billed to the student account.

  • FALL session – November 1st
  • SPRING session – April 1st
  • SUMMER session – August 1st

Late submissions will result in full tuition being charged to the student account. For a list of applicable fees, visit the University Accounts Receivable website.

Dependent Children

Dependent children of a retiree may receive a 50% reduction in tuition for NMSU courses up to 18 credit hours per semester. Please see the Child Tuition page for full details.


Discounts & Memberships

Retirees have access to the following discounts and memberships. The items ending in an asterisk (*) indicate benefits that are available to spouses and surviving spouses of retirees.


Retiree Life Insurance

Eligible retirees enrolled in the Group Life and AD&D insurance program for the 10 consecutive years prior to retirement will be given the option to continue a basic $10,000 life insurance policy through NMSU at the group discounted rate. The policy covers basic life without the AD&D rider. (See ARP 8.23 – Group Life Insurance)

Provider: Insurance issued by Dearborn National (trade name BCBSNM)
For questions or to file a claim contact Benefit Services at 575-646-8000 or

Update your Beneficiary Information: Submit a Beneficiary Change Form to NMSU Benefit Services (contact information below).

Submit a claim:

  • Submit a claim form (part 2) for each beneficiary and a copy of the death certificate to NMSU Benefit Services.
  • We will submit the claim packet to Dearborn National. The claim is usually processed within 6-8 weeks after our office receives all requested items, provided additional information is not needed.


Additional Resources:

Retiree Term Life Insurance Booklet & Certificate

Online Will Preparation

Travel Resource Services

Beneficiary Resource Services



Retiree Health Insurance


An employee hired before July 1, 2016, who officially retires from the university and immediately begins receiving a monthly benefit from the Educational Retirement Board (or meets eligibility rules and begins receiving a benefit under the Alternative Retirement Plan) may continue their medical insurance after retirement. To qualify, the employee must have been enrolled in the plan for the previous 10 consecutive years while working in a regular employment status. (ARP 8.21 – Group Medical Insurance)

Retiree Health Coverage Options and Costs

Provider Information

BlueCross BlueShield of NM
PPO & Medigap Plan G: 1-866-369-6678
Medigap Part D (Prescription): 1-877-838-3833

Pre-Medicare Retirees (generally, under age 65)

Retirees under the age of 65 and non-Medicare eligible will be enrolled in a preferred provider organization (PPO) plan. The plan covers both in network and out of network services for medical services and includes a prescription plan, see details below. 
Retirees and dependents that become Medicare eligible must enroll in Medicare Parts A & B, as of the 1st of the month in which they turn 65 or otherwise become eligible; and provide NMSU Benefit Services with a copy of the Medicare card to coordinate transition to Medigap Plan G with Plan D (see below). 

Retiree PPO premium rates

NMSU Retiree PPO Summary

PPO Plan Document

Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notice

The BlueCard Program Overview

Provider Finder/Cost Estimator

Quick and easy way to find doctors


Medicare-eligible Retirees (generally, age 65 and over)

Retirees and dependents age 65 and over, or otherwise eligible for Medicare, must be enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B effective latter of the date of retirement or the date first eligible.

NOTE: The Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) allows enrollment in only one Medicare Part D plan at a time. If at any time you enroll in another Part D product, CMS will notify NMSU. NMSU will cancel you from both the medical and prescription program provided through NMSU. Once canceled you cannot re-enroll at a later date.


Medigap Plan G Rates

NMSU Retiree Medigap Summary (pre CMS updates)

Medigap Plan G Plan Document


Medicare & You Handbook


Additional BCBS Health Resources

Blue Access for Members (BAM)

Blue 365 – A discount program for members

Well On Target – A personalized way to experience wellness

24/7 Nurseline

Wondr Health


Retiree Dental and Vision

Retirees enrolled in NMSU Retiree Health plan may enroll in Retiree Dental and/or Vision plans at the time of retirement or during the annual Open enrollment period.

If you disenroll from either the dental or vision plan, you must wait 4 years before you can enroll again.


BCBS Dental

PPO benefit – In and Out-of-Network benefits

Customer Service toll-free number: 1-877-723-5697

Search for a provider in New Mexico or Nationally:

Retiree Dental & Vision rates

BCBS Dental Insurance Highlight Sheet

BlueCare Dental Enhanced Benefit Member Flier ( click here for Spanish)

BlueCare Dental PPO Member Flier (click here for Spanish)

2024 Retiree Dental & Vision Enrollment Form


BCBS Vision

National network of vision providers powered by EyeMed through BCBSNM

Customer Service toll-free number: 1-855-591-2659

Find a provider near you: log in to

Retiree Dental & Vision rates

BCBS Vision Insurance Highlight Sheet

Vision Benefit Information and Resources (click here for Spanish)

Vision Benefits Made Easy (click here for Spanish)

Vision Frequently Asked Questions (click here for Spanish)

Vision Insurance Summary of Benefits (click here for Spanish)

Vision Claim Form - Out-of-Network 


Insurance Committee

The Insurance Committee is a sub-committee of NMSU Employee Council charged with investigating, evaluating, and making recommendations to Employee Council involving matters and policies affecting employee and retiree insurance. Inquiries for the Insurance Committee may be emailed to


NMSU Benefit Services Contact Information

Physical: Hadley Hall suite 17

Mailing: Benefit Services, PO Box 30001 MSC 3HRS, Las Cruces, NM 88003


Fax: 575-646-2806

Service Ticket: