Child Tuition


Children of Eligible Employees: Employees eligible to participate in the program for dependent children must be either a regular benefit-eligible status employee or a non-regular employee hired into a term appointment status. New employees must be hired prior to the start of classes to be eligible to submit a waiver request for their child(ren). Employees who terminate on or before the session census date will lose all dependent waiver coverage for that session. This means that the student will be responsible for the full tuition amount owed on their account for that session. Children of Retirees: Dependent children of NMSU retirees are also eligible for tuition remission benefits. 

Employees, spouses/domestic partners or dependent children who receive a graduate assistantship position with the university are not eligible to receive the tuition benefits.

Students must be admitted as an undergraduate or graduate student and attend the NMSU Las Cruces campus or any one of the NMSU community colleges. Courses eligible for a grade will be counted; audited courses and challenged credits will be excluded. If a student is enrolled at both the Las Cruces campus and a community college the tuition will be pro-rated. Students receiving the NM Legislative Lottery Scholarship are not eligible for the tuition waiver. Student status will be verified as part of the registration and payment process. The student’s status and the employee’s employment status on the NMSU census date (third Friday of the semester or last day to add or register for summer session courses) will determine eligibility. A student who drops courses before the census date will no longer be eligible and the charges will be recalculated. The same will apply if the employee’s status changes before the census date. Students who turn the age of 25 or get married before the census date will not be eligible for this benefit.

Please see the NMSU Tuition Waiver for Dependent Quick Guide

Registering your Dependents

Your dependent child(ren) must be recorded in the Banner system through Benefit Services. Proof of eligibility documentation must be submitted. Please see eligibility page for details.

Tuition Coverage

This program provides a 50% discount on the in-state tuition rate (supported by regular I&G funding). A student enrolled in more than 18 credit hours will be charged the normal overload rate per hour for any credits over 18. Study abroad programs are not included. Students are responsible for the purchase of course text books and software as well as other fees that may apply.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office will be informed of a student’s participation in this program. A reduction of the student’s financial aid package may result from the reduced tuition. Information on the possible effect of this program on the student’s financial package should be obtained from the student’s Financial Aid Advisor.

Expenses & Taxes

Students are responsible for the purchase of course text books and software as well as other fees that may apply. Examples of fees not covered by this benefit are: the ASNMSU fee, Course Delivery fee, Engineering Tech fee, Grad Health/Activity fee, Late Registration fee, and Payment Plan fee. For a complete list, visit University Accounts Receivable.

Non-Resident Tuition for Dependent Children

Dependents assessed non-resident rates will receive a benefit equivalent to 50% off the New Mexico in-state tuition rates; therefore, a balance may be owed at the end of a session. Non-resident students may petition for NM residency to receive in-state tuition. See details at the Registrars office.

IRS Tax Withholding from Employee Paycheck

Certain instances are considered taxable by the Internal Revenue Service. See the Tuition Taxability page for taxable examples and information.

Waiver Submission & Deadlines

Employees complete a request for tuition waiver through MyNMSU each semester the benefit is to be used. Online submission is available 10 calendar days before the full semester term begins. Retirees must submit the Certificate of Dependency Waiver Form each session for their dependent child(ren). Failure to timely submit a waiver will result in full tuition billed to the student.

  • FALL session – November 1st
  • SPRING session – April 1st
  • SUMMER session – August 1st

NMSU Policy Reference: ARP 8.61 – Tuition Remission Program