When a Coworker Dies

We are often unprepared for a serious illness and death in a workplace. When a coworker becomes seriously ill or dies, your productivity and the dynamics of your workplace are affected. You may have spent many hours with the person, and consider him/her a friend, not just a coworker. Illness and death touch peoples' feelings about their work and workplace, their own lives, and their fears about death and dying.

People who work together are like extended families, and when a person dies, friends and coworkers grieve. When the death is unexpected, as from violence, an accident or sudden illness, it can be particularly traumatic.

Take time to grieve. You and your coworkers will need time to grieve. Ask for support and comfort when needed...tell others what you need and what you don't need.

Create some type of closure for yourself and your team. Some suggestions:

  • Create a memorial board. A photo, card, or special item the person kept on his/her desk can be a way to remember.
  • Hold or participate in a fundraiser for a special cause in memory of the deceased.
  • Create a book of memories to give to the family. Many people are not aware of the work life of people they love. These will be unique memories for the family and a way for you to privately express feelings and memories.
  • Conduct a workplace-only event. A luncheon or office-only memorial is a chance for coworkers to acknowledge their unique relationship with the deceased.

Seek help if you have trouble coping. Contact NMSU Employee Assistance Program.